What could be more spontaneous than deciding to take a NINE HOUR CAR TRIP to Pennsylvania by MYSELF with a TODDLER and SIX WEEK OLD BABY only THREE DAYS before it was time to leave??? I was homesick and wanted everyone to meet Maddie before her May baptism so I asked Jon if he minded and when he said to go, I planned the trip. I wish Jon could have joined us but I think I did pretty good alone with twi kids for six days!
2. FINALLY finish the wills
Jon and I have been so busy since we opened the law office in January 2012 that our will consisted of a few funeral declaration scribbled on a post-it note, unsigned draft of a will that assigned a guardian for minor children IN THE EVENT WE HAD SOME, and a trust that had no assets described in it. We have been so busy encouraging our clients to get their wills in order that we didn't take the time to finish ours. So, I finally sat down and got all the documents in order. Jon was still so busy he didn't completely read every section of his will before he signed it - wait until he reads section 4 - just kidding, honey!
3. Have a chocolate spa treatment with my sister at the Hershey Hotel
Emmy and I scheduled our chocolate massages while I was in PA over Mother's Day. I have always wanted to go to the Hershey Hotel for a spa day! Although we couldn't make a day of it, even the hour and a half away from reminding my husband about something I told him twice before or yelling at Jonathan for once again for not using his "inside-voice" was a wonderful break. The staff treated us like queens! And, it was Emmy's first massage, so it was fun treating her to it and hearing her rave about it afterward. Perfect Mother's Day gift!
I also accomplished something on the list that was not supposed to be completed by age 30, but the opportunity presented itself. In January, my Mom's cat, Rascal, passed away. She stated then that she didn't want another animal - she couldn't handle losing another one. Then, when I was visiting in March with the kids, the issue of getting a new cat came up twice and she was excited about it. So, for Mother's Day, Emmy and I adopted a kitten for her. The kitten was a stray and was hit by a car. An adoption agency and foster family nursed it back to health and gave him all his shots and put him up for adoption. Mom named him Snowflake and they are becoming quick friends!

Buy someone a pet - check
I have gotten several other items almost finished but can't check them off yet!